Reinoud Martens; Thomas Pettersson; Nicole Polivka; Matti Tiirakari; Isabelle Mardirossian; Luz Anastasia Lopez-Hernandez; Christophe Delamare; Rui Nunes; Stephan Petit; David Widegren; Pierre Ninin; Jurgen De Jonghe; Per Gunnar Jonsson; Derek Mathieson; Francois Briard; Wim Van Leersum; David Peyron; Veronique Fassnacht; Jens Vigen; Barthelemy Gossuin; Jochen Beuttel.
Reinoud Martens; Thomas Pettersson; Matti Tiirakari; Isabelle Mardirossian; Youri Robert; Christophe Delamare; Rui Nunes; Stephan Petit (Morning only); David Widegren; Jurgen De Jonghe (Morning only); Derek Mathieson; Francois Briard (Afternoon only); Wim Van Leersum; Eric Reymond (Morning only); Jens Vigen; Jochen Beuttel.
Nicole Polivka; Luz Anastasia Lopez-Hernandez (Replaced by Youri Robert); Per Gunnar Jonsson (In Course); Veronique Fassnacht (Replaced by Eric Reymond); Pierre Ninin (Holidays);
Barthelemy Gossuin; David Peyron
Meeting started with presentation which can be found slides can be found here
Jochen reassured people present on the functional roles and responsibilities, which will not change.
Service owners, have a coordination role. Service owners can organize meetings where members of different functional units are present with the customers (as is the case today). The service owner is reponsible for organizing the communication and follow up on customer issues.
Thomas also insisted the service owner also assures coordination between customers (and users) so the functional organization is not confronted with customers fighting on conflicting requirements. The service owner should coordinate the preparative work, so facilititate the design and implementation work from the functional units.
The service owner will not 'sit in front' of the functional people providing the work, he will facilitate the communication and play a coordinating role.
There was a lot of debate on how to find the balance between transferring 'visibility' or 'power' from the functional to the service organization. We have to find the right balance without making concessions that would compromise the 'vision' of what we want to achieve.
It was agreed by everyone present, that a role of service-owner (or coordinator) is essential to introduce service orientation in GS.
We want to improve the service catalogue with the help of the newly identified service owners, or when we can't identify the serivce owner at this point, by small working groups which will work on improving the service definition and identify service owners. This work should be performed in the next 4 weeks.
The service-owner job description:
The service owner represents a 'customer service' (the 'red level').
The service owner what can be requested, if incidents can be reported, how it can be user, scope and mission.
The service owner is monitoring the service, and will coordinate incident resolution if escalation is necessary.
(insert agreed job description of service owner still on jochen's PC)
The service-owner objectives will be part of the MARS process. The evaluation can be based on a combination of KPI's and the appreciation of the service office.
It was agreed to give some 'power' to the service organization by assigning the responsibility to orchestrate the medium term 'program of work' of the department.
Role assignments:
The creation of a service unit was decided, with the responsibilities shown on slide 9 in the presentation.
It was decided to move the 'internal support services' from the corresponding 'customer service' area to a seperate 'internal GS services' service area.
The rule is that if the service can only be used and incidents reported by another GS service, it is a so called 'IT service' and not a 'Business or customer service' and thus has other characteristics (e.g. OLA and no SLA).
In case a 'IT support service' is used outside the GS domain (so end users outside GS can report incidents, etc..) it is a Customer Service.
Service Owners
Preventive safety and health: Eric Reymond / David Peyron
Emergency and First aid: Eric Reymond / David Peyron
Medical IT Support: move to GS internal support service: Wim, (1 tbd from FPF)
Access Control: Claude Ducastel, Isabelle Mardirossian, Rui Nunes (for dosimeter)
Alarm Systems: Rui Nunes, Christophe Delamare, Silvia Grau, Pierre Ninin
Safety Systems: Rui Nunes, Christophe Delamare, Silvia Grau, Pierre Ninin
Access Systems: Rui Nunes, Christophe Delamare, Silvia Grau, Pierre Ninin
Safety Management IT support: Stephan Petit, Piotr Sowinski, Francois Briard
Access Management IT support: Stephan Petit, Piotr Sowinski, Francois Briard
Library Service: Tulio Basaglia, Annete Holtkamp, Jens Vigen (need to check this)
Archive: Anita Hollier
Library Project: Salvatore Mele
Library IT support: Reinoud Martens (for the moment)
Visits: Piotr Sowinski, FPF tbs
Geographic Information: Youri Robert, ??? tbs
Passenger Service: Veronique Marchal, ??? tbs
Removal Service: Carine Robert, ??? tbs
Hostel Service: Isabelle Mardirossian, ??? tbs
Exhibitions: Carine Robert, ??? tbs
Lost and Found: David Peyron, Claude Ducastel
Hostel It: Isabel Fernandez, AIS tbs
Supply Chain Management: Manuel Canchez, Patrick Muffat, Isabelle Mardirossian, Tom Wegelius; Joelle Benelhadj
Supply Chain Management IT: Jean-Luc Doublet, Slava Titov, (FPF tbd)
Civil Engineering: Matti Tiirakari, ??? tbs
Facility Management: Matti Tiirakari (Martine Auerbach etc.. for waste management, but has not followed awareness course, so should maybe be replaced by Isabelle Mardirossian)
Project Consultancy Service: David Widegren, Jurgen de Jonghe, Matti Tiirakari
Project IT Support Service: Section Leaders AIS
Engineering Support: Widegren, Petit
Finance IT Support: AIS Section Leaders
Management IT Support: AIS Section Leaders, Christophe Delamare (for JMT, but has maybe to move to finance IT support)
HR IT Support: AIS Section Leaders
IT Support services: Wim van Leersum, Derek Mathiesson
GS Support services: ...... tbd
The following roadmap is now defined for the service catalogue:
19th-->23rd: no meetings, but people named aove should study the service catalogue in preparation for
26th-->30th: meetings per customer service area, to consolidate the catalogue. ALL meetings will take place in 513-R-024. Reinoud Martens will be present at ALL meetings.
2nd-->6th: work on service catalogue, review meetings when necessary in 513-R-024. Reinoud Martens will be present at ALL meetings.
9th-->13th: Final sprint to approved service catalogue and service owner role assignments.
16th of November: Internal review meeting and approval with all stakeholders.
26th of November: Service Catalogue and Service Owner workshop.