Through a train the trainer scheme we trained 400 supporters to use the new service management system.
Through awareness training all staff of IT and GS were given basic service management best practice training explaining the concepts and ideas.
Service desk and 2nd line personnel in IT were given dedicated intensive tool training.
Service Desk personnel got intensive dedicated training on CERN's workings, including visits to all areas, departments, training on CERN rules and regulations, etc...
Over 209 dedicated request and incident forms were developped in 2011 many of which just before 'go live'.
15/02/2011 : Transition and "Go Live" of the new service management system, the service portal and the service desk in building 55.
Below the volume of tickets in the first few weeks, and one can see we reached a volume of 2000 tickets per week immediately, the backlog (number of open tickets at the end of the day) stabelized after a few weeks showing we were able to cope with the workload.
Consolidation, coaching and handholding took up the rest of 2011.
Workshops on Change Management resulted in an agreed change management process for GS and IT.