The Complaint Management process fulfils the overall goal of unified, standardized and repeatable handling of Service Complaints at CERN in line with ISO20k.
The standard requires the existence of a documented formal service complaint process as part of Customer Relationship Management (chapter 7.1 in ISO).
This process should not be confused with the user feedback and satisfaction surveys, nor with incident management.
The service complaints procedure includes recording, investigating, acting upon, reporting and closing any service complaints received.
It includes an escalation procedure to be used if the customer does not agree to or accept the proposed actions or resolution.
The complaint remains open until the customer provides formal agreement that it can be closed.
A formal service complaint is normally very serious and submitted in written rather than verbal form.
The formal service complaint must be confirmed by a manager of the customer/user to a manager of the service provider.
An incident or problem may be the cause of complaints but they are not themselves complaints.
The outcome of the review of the complaint will be summarized and reported back to the customer/user so that they can see that their opinions have been taken seriously and acted upon.
Complaint Management is available in the tool, however in June 2013 it's not used yet. If services are interested they can adopt it.