One of the objectives is streamlined automated processes, supported by an easy to use tool, accessible to the support groups and users.
We selected service-now to support our service management processes. (here you can find some info on the selection process itself)
The tool will be the only interface of the service desk. It will contain the
The tool was selected Autumn 2010, we went live on 15/02/2011 and are using it since.
The number of registered supporters who's support work is orchestrated using the tool at startup was ca 400, in 2013 we had more than doubled the number of supporters that use the tool on a dayly basis. In 2015 the counter stands at 1302 supporters registered in the system.
The counter of active registered users in the system stands at 76200 (of which 36600 with email address), these users are imported from CERN's identity management system. We can also handle requests and incidents of un identified persons (guests) with reduced functionality (interaction with the system is via email or service desk).